Get Custom Fields on a project
Getting a specific project with it's custom fields requires you to pass in ?includeCustomFields=true.
The project will be returned along with the custom fields associated with it.
If a project doesn't have any custom fields set, projects.customFields is omitted from the response, not null.
Please note: The V1 /projects/{projectId}.json endpoint does not support includeCustomFields=true, you must use this V2 API.
Path Params
- Name
- Type
- string
- required
- Description
Query Params
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- required
- Description
- Default
Request Examples
Example Request
/projects/api/v2/projects/{projectId}.jsoncurl --request GET \ --url https://{site_name}
- Code
- 200
- Type
- object
- Schema
- Description
- 200 Response
200 Response
"customFields": {
"226": {
"id": -59792326,
"projectId": null,
"entity": "dolore qui",
"name": "fugiat consequat in sit officia",
"description": "Duis cillum sit",
"type": "ea commodo laborum",
"options": null,
"visibilities": [
"isPrivate": true,
"required": true,
"createdAt": "ullamco in mollit",
"createdByUserId": -30467935,
"updatedAt": "irure est",
"updatedByUserId": 63471416,
"deleted": true,
"deletedAt": null,
"deletedByUserId": null
"project": {
"activePages": {
"billing": true,
"comments": true,
"files": true,
"links": true,
"messages": true,
"milestones": false,
"notebooks": true,
"riskRegister": false,
"tasks": false,
"time": false
"activeUserIsProjectAdmin": false,
"announcement": "ad",
"announcementHTML": "Excepteur eiusmod sint ut velit",
"company": {
"id": 46419206,
"isOwner": false,
"name": "in do tempor"
"createdOn": "ut aute",
"customFields": [
"id": -65391905,
"customFieldId": -48927513,
"value": "qui enim esse"
"id": 7374544,
"customFieldId": -92086434,
"value": "culpa l"
"id": -15533096,
"customFieldId": -4545178,
"value": "et anim reprehenderit aliquip"
"id": -47355756,
"customFieldId": -58598231,
"value": "c"
"defaultPrivacy": "ut",
"defaults": {
"privacy": "exercitation"
"description": "tempor eiusmod in Lorem",
"directFileUploadsEnabled": false,
"filesAutoNewVersion": true,
"harvestTimersEnabled": false,
"id": 6274261,
"integrations": {
"onedrivebusiness": {
"account": "pariatur reprehenderit dolore aliquip",
"enabled": false,
"folder": "magna sunt",
"folderName": "culpa Ut l"
"sharepoint": {
"account": "amet incididunt",
"enabled": true,
"folder": "Duis ut aute sed sint",
"folderName": "ut in qui elit"
"xero": {
"baseCurrency": "proident aliquip",
"connected": false,
"countryCode": "sed do ea Excepteur laboris",
"enabled": false,
"organisation": "consequat veniam amet dolore pariatur"
"isOnBoardingProject": false,
"isPrivate": false,
"isProjectAdmin": true,
"isSampleProject": false,
"lastChangeOn": "cupidatat",
"logo": "Excepteur in",
"member": false,
"name": "exercitation proident sin",
"notifyEveryone": false,
"overviewStartPage": "mollit sint consequat proident cupidatat",
"privacyEnabled": true,
"projectOwnerId": 78541342,
"replyByEmailEnabled": false,
"showAnnouncement": true,
"skipWeekends": false,
"starred": true,
"startPage": "dolor ipsum ad officia Duis",
"status": "amet eu consectetur exercitation cupidatat",
"subStatus": "consectetur commodo",
"tasksStartPage": "commodo cillum in nulla",
"type": "laborum sint"