Get Custom Fields on a task
Getting a specific task with it's custom fields requires you to pass in ?includeCustomFields=true.
The task will be returned along with the custom fields associated with it.
If a task doesn't have any custom fields set, tasks.customFields is omitted from the response, not null.
Please note: The V1 /task/{taskId}.json endpoint does not support includeCustomFields=true, you must use this V2 API.
Path Params
- Name
- Type
- string
- required
- Description
Query Params
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- required
- Description
- Default
Request Examples
Example Request
/projects/api/v2/tasks/{taskId}.jsoncurl --request GET \ --url https://{site_name}
- Code
- 200
- Type
- object
- Schema
- Description
- 200 Response
200 Response
"STATUS": "ullamco Duis ipsum laboris",
"task": {
"id": 57855836,
"name": "sunt",
"priority": "irure laborum",
"status": "sunt eu est",
"parentTaskId": 73016367,
"description": "laborum dolore proident et",
"canViewEstTime": false,
"updatedBy": {
"id": 46880254,
"firstName": "fugiat",
"lastName": "et",
"avatarUrl": "consequat esse sunt"
"createdBy": {
"id": -49964975,
"firstName": "in sed",
"lastName": "non ut pariatur velit deserunt",
"avatarUrl": "labore enim sit aliquip"
"dateCreated": "adipisicing",
"dateChanged": "nulla sit incididunt consequat in",
"dateLastModified": "incididunt tempor ex",
"hasFollowers": true,
"hasLoggedTime": true,
"hasReminders": false,
"hasRemindersForUser": true,
"hasRelativeReminders": false,
"hasTemplateReminders": true,
"hasTickets": true,
"isPrivate": true,
"installationId": -35711158,
"privacyIsInherited": false,
"lockdownId": 37575367,
"numMinutesLogged": -83963370,
"numActiveSubTasks": -67779445,
"numAttachments": 27400155,
"numComments": -29863860,
"numCommentsRead": -75723007,
"numCompletedSubTasks": 68251795,
"numDependencies": 98938105,
"numEstMins": -67033768,
"numPredecessors": -48690938,
"position": 34367995,
"projectId": -90147850,
"startDate": null,
"dueDate": null,
"dueDateFromMilestone": false,
"taskListId": -16678585,
"progress": -18200000,
"customFields": [
"id": -47912731,
"customFieldId": 83612626,
"value": "labore proident enim occaecat"
"id": -66207798,
"customFieldId": -54978752,
"value": "eiusmod"
"crmDealIds": null,
"followingChanges": false,
"followingComments": false,
"changeFollowerIds": "laborum dolore do",
"commentFollowerIds": "sit",
"teamsFollowingChanges": null,
"teamsFollowingComments": null,
"companiesFollowingChanges": null,
"companiesFollowingComments": null,
"order": -16073836,
"canComplete": false,
"canEdit": true,
"canLogTime": true,
"canAddSubtasks": true,
"placeholder": false,
"DLM": -60822779
"customFields": {
"200": {
"id": -25568685,
"projectId": -73579952,
"entity": "in eu",
"name": "minim dolore cillum anim",
"description": "reprehenderit pariatur in",
"type": "ipsum ut do aute",
"options": {
"choices": [
"value": "dolore dolor nostrud eu cupidatat",
"color": "non amet Excepteur ea"
"value": "",
"color": "nisi consectetur anim ad"
"value": "veniam sed deserunt ut occaecat",
"color": "am"
"value": "dolor ea proident culpa",
"color": "et esse"
"value": "officia cillum",
"color": "id est incididunt in"
"visibilities": [
"isPrivate": false,
"required": true,
"createdAt": "magna id sit consequat exercitation",
"createdByUserId": 85610264,
"updatedAt": "in laborum sunt amet",
"updatedByUserId": -75899353,
"deleted": false,
"deletedAt": null,
"deletedByUserId": null