App Listing
Once your app is published, you have the option to get listed on our app directory.
What do we look for when listing your app?
Help docs
Dedicated landing page for your new App
App Description
App Logo
Help docs
Help docs are one of the most important resources you can give us, and this can be provided as early as the first point of contact. Help docs will need to be polished for our customers and listed under your help doc section, take a look at our partner – Sentry and their help docs.
Dedicated landing page for your new App
A dedicated landing page for your new app is required. This will be used as the app directory listing destination. Take a look at Sentry’s dedicated landing page to get you started! All brand guidelines must be followed on these pages, please see our brand guidelines for more info.
App Description
You?ll need to provide a short description of the key features of your app, or the problem it solves.
App Logo
We will need a square logo from you to add to the listing. This logo should match the logo you are using in the Developer Portal for consistency, and should represent your company or brand.
App Listing Example
Once your app is listed, it will look similar to our other listings:

Please reach out to us with any questions you have in relation to the listing process.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to contact us