Latest Activity across all Projects
Lists the latest activity across all projects ordered chronologically. When you log into teamwork projects you will see all the recent activity. This corresponds to that view in Teamwork Projects. There is some parameters you can send in to filter your results.
Query Params
- Name
- Type
- integer
- Description
Optionally, you can set the page from which to start retrieving results. This is usually used in conjunction with the parameter pageSize.
See How does paging work for more detailed documentation on pagination. For example: ?page=2&pageSize=10 will retrieve results 10-20.
- Name
- Type
- integer
- Description
The amount of latest activities returned can be limited using this parameter. Normally used in conjunction with the page parameter.
Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100
- Default
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Request Examples
Loading examples ...
- Code
- 200
- Type
- object
- Schema
- Description
- 200 Response
200 Response
"activity": [
"project-id": "999",
"itemid": "999",
"todo-list-name": "Things to do",
"from-user-avatar-url": "",
"description": "Register domain",
"forusername": "",
"publicinfo": "",
"foruserid": "",
"itemlink": "tasklists/58758",
"datetime": "2014-03-28T15:24:58Z",
"activitytype": "new",
"project-name": "demo",
"link": "tasks/436522",
"extradescription": "Things to do",
"isprivate": "0",
"id": "999",
"due-date": "20140329",
"fromusername": "Demo U.",
"type": "task",
"for-user-avatar-url": "",
"userid": "999"